The lessons that we had for 1st quarter really helped us build a strong foundation when it comes to making a website. These lessons include:

  1. XHTML
  2. Lists
  3. Tables
  4. Hyperlinks
  5. Forms

XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML, meant to replace HTML.
The enumeration of lessons above is an example of an HTML list.
A hyperlink is a way for users to jump from one website to another.

Press Me

A table helps organize different data in rows and columns.

Simple Table Example

Name Age City
Alice 30 New York
Bob 25 Los Angeles
Charlie 35 Chicago
Using HTML forms will help gather data that can enhance the form itself once submitted.

These are the works LPSCI students handle every day

Select Your Favorite Fruit

Select Your Hobby

Provide Your Feedback

2nd Quarter Lessons